
@Serializable(with = BoundingBoxSerializer::class)
class BoundingBox(val coordinates: DoubleArray)

Represents an area bounded by a northeast and southwest.

A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections.

When serialized, a BoundingBox is represented as an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the northeasterly point. The axes order of a BoundingBox follow the axes order of geometries.

For the BoundingBox to be serialized in 3D form, both Positions must have a defined altitude.

See also


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constructor(west: Double, south: Double, east: Double, north: Double)
constructor(coordinates: List<Double>)
constructor(west: Double, south: Double, minAltitude: Double, east: Double, north: Double, maxAltitude: Double)
constructor(southwest: Position, northeast: Position)
constructor(coordinates: DoubleArray)


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The GeoJSON bounding box coordinate array

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The northeastern corner of the BoundingBox

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The southwestern corner of the BoundingBox


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operator fun component1(): Position
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operator fun component2(): Position
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun json(): String
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open override fun toString(): String