Package-level declarations


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data class NearestPointOnLineResult(val point: Position, val distance: Double, val location: Double, val index: Int)

Result values from nearestPointOnLine.

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enum Units : Enum<Units>

Supported units of measurement in Turf.


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const val AREA_EARTH_RADIUS: Int = 6378137
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const val EARTH_RADIUS: Double = 6371008.8

Radius of the Earth used with the Harvesine formula. Approximated using a spherical (non-ellipsoid) Earth.


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fun along(line: LineString, distance: Double, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Position

Takes a LineString and returns a position at a specified distance along the line.

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fun area(geometry: Geometry): Double

Takes a geometry and returns its area in square meters.

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fun bbox(feature: Feature): BoundingBox

Takes a feature and calculates the bbox of the feature's geometry, and returns a bounding box.

fun bbox(featureCollection: FeatureCollection): BoundingBox

Takes a feature collection and calculates a bbox that covers all features in the collection.

fun bbox(geometry: Geometry): BoundingBox
fun bbox(geometry: LineString): BoundingBox
fun bbox(geometry: MultiPoint): BoundingBox
fun bbox(geometry: MultiPolygon): BoundingBox
fun bbox(geometry: Point): BoundingBox
fun bbox(geometry: Polygon): BoundingBox

Takes a geometry and calculates the bbox of all input features, and returns a bounding box.

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Takes a bbox and returns an equivalent Polygon.

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fun bearing(start: Position, end: Position, final: Boolean = false): Double

Takes two positions (start, end) and finds the geographic bearing between them, i.e. the angle measured in degrees from the north line (0 degrees)

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Converts any bearing angle from the north line direction (positive clockwise) and returns an angle between 0-360 degrees (positive clockwise), 0 being the north line

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fun booleanPointInPolygon(point: Point, polygon: MultiPolygon, ignoreBoundary: Boolean = false): Boolean

Takes a Point and a MultiPolygon and determines if the point resides inside the polygon. The polygon can be convex or concave. The function accounts for holes.

fun booleanPointInPolygon(point: Point, polygon: Polygon, ignoreBoundary: Boolean = false): Boolean

Takes a Point and a Polygon and determines if the point resides inside the polygon. The polygon can be convex or concave. The function accounts for holes.

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fun center(feature: Feature): Point

Takes any kind of Feature and returns the center point. It will create a BoundingBox around the given Feature and calculates the center point of it.

fun center(geometry: Geometry): Point

It overloads the center(feature: Feature) method.

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fun computeBbox(coordinates: List<Position>): BoundingBox
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fun convertArea(area: Double, from: Units = Units.Meters, to: Units = Units.Kilometers): Double

Converts an area to the requested unit. Valid units: Acres, Miles, Inches, Yards, Meters, Kilometers, Centimeters, Feet

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fun convertLength(length: Double, from: Units = Units.Meters, to: Units = Units.Kilometers): Double

Converts a length to the requested unit

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fun destination(origin: Position, distance: Double, bearing: Double, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Position

Takes a position and calculates the location of a destination position given a distance in degrees, radians, miles, or kilometers; and bearing in degrees. This uses the Haversine formula to account for global curvature.

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fun distance(from: Position, to: Position, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Double

Calculates the distance between two positions. This uses the Haversine formula to account for global curvature.

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fun length(lineString: LineString, units: Units): Double

Calculates the length of the given LineString in the given Units.

fun length(multiLineString: MultiLineString, units: Units): Double

Calculates the combined length of all LineStrings from the given MultiLineString in the given Units.

fun length(multiPolygon: MultiPolygon, units: Units): Double

Calculates the combined length of perimeter the Polygons in the MultiPolygon in the given Units. Any holes in the polygons will be included in the length.

fun length(polygon: Polygon, units: Units): Double

Calculates the length of perimeter the given Polygon in the given Units. Any holes in the polygon will be included in the length.

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fun lengthToDegrees(distance: Double, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Double

Convert a distance measurement (assuming a spherical Earth) from a real-world unit into degrees.

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fun lengthToRadians(distance: Double, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Double

Convert a distance measurement (assuming a spherical Earth) from a real-world unit into radians.

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Returns intersecting points between two LineStrings.

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fun lineSlice(start: Position, stop: Position, line: LineString): LineString

Takes a LineString, a start and a stop Position and returns a subsection of the line between those points. The start and stop points do not need to fall exactly on the line.

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fun midpoint(point1: Position, point2: Position): Position

Takes two Positions and returns a point midway between them. The midpoint is calculated geodesically, meaning the curvature of the earth is taken into account.

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fun nearestPointOnLine(line: LineString, point: Position, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): NearestPointOnLineResult

Finds the closest Position along a LineString to a given position

fun nearestPointOnLine(lines: MultiLineString, point: Position, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): NearestPointOnLineResult

Finds the closest Position along a MultiLineString to a given position

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fun radiansToLength(radians: Double, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Double

Convert a distance measurement (assuming a spherical Earth) from radians to a more friendly unit.

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fun squareGrid(bbox: BoundingBox, cellWidth: Double, cellHeight: Double, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): FeatureCollection

Creates a square grid within a BoundingBox.

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